
Leadership Reflections

Leadership Reflections – Aurecon Conversation


Winning! That’s how my day started yesterday. I was introduced to a Leadership Development Team from a reputable organisation (will remain nameless) and we were able to nerd out about different approaches to leadership. And talk about real challenges in a real world that is crazy for organisations right now – perhaps even dystopian as my 21yo daughter would describe it.

Sometimes the leadership space can be a race to implement the latest methodology, create the newest ‘program’ or test with the latest assessment tool. Who can dazzle the most. But yesterday was talking about how to get the best outcome for what matters most – the leaders, their teams, the organisation – enabling all of these to perform awesomely and hit their goals After all leaders are humans, and humans are messy. One size does not fit all, so why even bother.

We talked about Adult Development Theory, Adaptive Leadership (oops, yes, methodologies) but these are a similar in that they shift one’s perspective from their own organisation/patch to a more societal level. How can a leader make their impact on the world? This was exactly the mantra of the Williamson Community Leadership Program, that I did three years ago which we also discussed. But I nearly fell off my virtual chair when I learnt this organisation was developing their thinking, and their approach to leader development, on the same approach as the UN Sustainability Council. Massive gold star from me! (And perhaps the planet….)

This space is so large and so nebulous, I will never claim to be an expert (how can one really be?), and that’s why I love it. I am forever learning, developing my own craft and experimenting with ways to deliver value for my clients. But I know I connect well with people to do great work, so I always start with that.

Thanks for reading. No snazzy question for you now. That’s it!

winning nodystopia WCLP Williamson

Leadership Reflections – Aurecon Conversation

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