

The Next Big Arenas of Competition


I found the attached McKinsey article a very interesting read. Particularly as someone who is growing their own business.

The article uses the terms arenas which are a unique category of industries defined by two characteristics: high growth and dynamism.

McKinsey have identified 18 potential arenas of the future that could reshape the global economy, generating $29 trillion to $48 trillion in revenues by 2040.

The 18 are:

👉 E-commerce
👉 AI software and services
👉 Cloud services
👉 Electric Vehicles
👉 Digital advertising
👉 Semiconductors
👉 Shared autonomous vehicles
👉 Space
👉 Cybersecurity
👉 Batteries
👉 Modular construction
👉 Streaming video
👉 Video Games
👉 Robotics
👉 Industrial and consumer biotechnology
👉 Future air mobility
👉 Drugs for obesity and related conditions
👉 Nuclear fission power plants

For my business they are all relevant because leaders and teams will be playing a role in all of them

hashtagarenas hashtaggrowth #2040

The Next Big Arenas of Competition

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